Gluten Free Pasta Recipe

Attention All Vegans – Here’s a recipe Gluten Free Pasta.
Traditional pasta dough recipes use semolina flour, this recipe uses quinoa flour instead
Because this recipe uses Quinoa flour the dough can be dry and crumbly. Adding arrowroot powder helps with the elasticity making it easier to roll out
4 dl quinoa flour
1,5 – 2 dl warm water
5-6 tbsp arrowroot powder
2 tbsp rapeseed oil
1,5 tsp salt
0,5 tsp nutmegInstructions
Add quinoa, arrowroot powder salt and nutmeg to a mixing bowl. Stir and ensure that the ingredients are evenly mixed.
Add the oil and work together with the dry ingredients until the oil seems evenly mixed with the flour.
Add 1 dl of warm water and work into the dough. Add a tablespoon at a time, until you have a shiny and throughly worked through dough.
Quickly wrap the dough in cling film and let rest for at least 30 minutes prior to using the dough for making pasta.
Source – Veronica Stenberg / Elegantly Vegan